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Code Freeze for 3.7

Code Freeze for 3.7

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3.7 is almost here…​ Later today we will enter the week long code freeze where only critical issues are fixed. We’ll publish the plugin release candidate for 3.7 soon and it will include some interesting new things that I haven’t discussed at all!

I’m too busy with the new courses but I hope I’ll be able to go into details with the release announcement.

The birthday of 3.7 will be on Tuesday June 27th…​ Up to then all new commits to git need to go thru code reviews and must match a P1 bug.

Assuming the release candidate will become the final release all will be well, but we might need to push additional updates to fix regressions or issues so this week might include several server updates. Because of that we will skip the next two Friday releases and will push as needed. We should get back to our regular Friday updates by July 7th.

We might release several plugin updates in the near future to iron out bugs and regressions with the release so bare with us during this tumultuous week.


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