We try to space out plugin updates as much as reasonably possible but unfortunately we need to push out
an update this week to fix a critical regression in the new GUI builder. Hopefully it is more stable now and we can
go back to working on new features.
Steve made a couple of very interesting posts this week and we have a few more from him in the coming weeks.
On stack overflow things were as usual:
toastbar in postResponse of connectionRequest
is tied to a specific form so if a Dialog
is shown when you show a ToastBar
it might bind to that instead
Codename One wasPurchased() method : Is it supported on Android devices?
There is a bit of a “weird” item naming convention required for Android IAP
How to open html input type file dialog box inside codenameone app
File picker is a unique component in the Android browser that’s very problematic
Back button in statusbar
I used the floating toolbar quite a lot, it’s pretty cool…
Test In-App-Purchase in Codename One simulator results in Null Pointer Exception
IAP and push both need the main class to implement their respective callback interfaces
Hand coded GUI build failed in Codename One
When you create a GUI builder form and decide to stop using the GUI buidler you need to delete the .gui
Overridable method call in constructor in Codename One Demo example [duplicate]
This was closed by moderators as a duplicate but it’s a pretty good question still…
How to localize styled components
The font for the component is quite important for localization
How to setup fragment projects
cn1lib’s allow some modularity in Codename One but unfortunately Eclipse doesn’t yet include the template for cn1libs
Performance related issue with network connection
It is crucial to keep an eye on all networking operationson all times
How to test an Android native code snippet with Codename One?
The best way is to use include source and open the native project in the native IDE
Is it possible with Codename One to record microphone input and play it back simultaneously?
Apparently it isn’t with the current implementation but possible with native interfaces
SpanButton client property throws NullPointerException
The source component of the event is sometimes murky when using lead component
Netbeans Plugin Version
Netbeans doesn’t keep historical versions of the plugin to my knowledge
Custom toolbar issues
Getting alignment/spacing “just right” is sometimes a delicate balance
Set next Texfield to be focused
We’ve used the old focus order functionality that’s used in desktops and old phones for the text field order feature
in iOS/Android/Windows
Exemplary code for payment
We need a better In-App-Purchase sample for developers as a “real” app
Query returning no results
This was eventually caused by missing information in the database
AutoCompleteTextField list does not always scroll to top?
We’re still trying to reproduce the original issue reliably
App doesn’t work on iPhone 4S
There are several reasons why an app will work on one device and won’t install/run in another
http proxy when using ConnectionRequest
This should “just work” for the most part and use the system proxy when possible