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Java 8 Support

Java 8 Support

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When we introduced Codename One initially we limited the API to CLDC level which is roughly a subset of Java 1.3, we then
added support for a subset of Java 5 and we are now adding Java 8 language features!
Thanks to some work from Steve and the great work done by the guys from the
Retro Lambda project we were able to add compatibility
to the major Java 8 features, most notably lambda expressions. This is highly experimental and some features
might not work but so far it seems things are functioning rather smoothly.

Note that this feature will only be available with the next plugin update and isn’t online right now…
The main motivation for doing this is in reducing a lot of the boilerplate code you would normally get when writing
Codename One code, e.g. currently we write something like:

button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {"Event Happened", "You pressed a button", "OK", null);

Whereas lambdas allow us to write this:

button.addActionListener((e) -> {"Event Happened", "You pressed a button", "OK", null);

Technically both are practically identical!
This can be applied across the board e.g.:

Display.getInstance().callSerially(() -> {
    // this code executes on the EDT....

This won’t be the default until we are confident that this is stable enough, with an upcoming plugin update
you will have an option to create a Java 8 project instead of a Java 5 project. You could also convert existing
projects to Java 8 but that will require some effort:

  1. Make sure you have Java 8 installed and that your IDE is running under Java 8
  2. Change all “source” and “target” values for Javac calls in build.xml from 1.5 to 1.8.
  3. Update the IDE build settings for the project (in the project properties menu) to use Java 8 source level
  4. Add the build hint java.version=8
  5. Update CLDC11.jar to the latest version using the Update Client Libs button in the project preferences

The post mostly covered lambdas but other newer Java features such as String based switch cases (from Java 7)
try with resources etc. should work just fine however we didn’t do enough tests for the various features on all the
platforms (hence the beta moniker).
Try with resources is pretty cool e.g. you can do something like:

try(InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/myFile")) {
    // work with file
} catch(IOException err) {"Error", "Exception accessing the resource", "OK", null);

Which doesn’t seem like much until you realize that this really replaced this code:

InputStream is = null; 
try {
    is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/myFile");
    // work with file
} catch(IOException err) {"Error", "Exception accessing the resource", "OK", null);
} finally {
    if(is != null) {
       try {
       } catch(IOException err) {}

Just to be fair, this code can be slightly more concise in the finalizer block with Codename One’s Util.cleanup(is) method…

One feature of Java 8 that isn’t supported at the moment is streams.
While they would be nice to have they probably won’t be as helpful as the other
features in a mobile environment and won’t provide performance benefits in these cases. We might add them
at a future date if there is demand for that.

Notice that Java 8 support was mostly tested with Android, iOS & the desktop port. It should work well with most modern ports but might have issues
in platforms such as J2ME/RIM where even the Java 5 compatibility is flaky.
The image in the title of this post is from this Takipi blog which
is pretty relevant to the subject of this post.


  • James Hastings says:

    This is great news. What about the localdate class? I have a program I wrote that uses a bunch of localdate functionality that I wanted to port into a mobile app. Refactoring everything to Calendar and Date objects has kept this on the backburner for me.

  • Shai Almog says:

    That isn’t supported at the moment and probably won’t be around in the immediate future. The main hurdle is compatibility to existing platforms so we are walking on eggshells here trying to minimize the impact of the core libraries.

    I feel your pain, every Java developer who dealt with dates in any way hates Calendar/Date. I am looking forward to migrating to something decent, but that might be a while.

  • Codrut Gusoi says:

    Yay lambdas!
    Brace yourselves, assertException() is coming… at least when I will have time for a pull request.

  • Sanny Sanoff says:

    Will they (lambdas) work on Android, too? How do you implement this feature if you just pass user java to dalvik?

  • Shai Almog says:

    It works on all platforms even J2ME since it uses retrolambda on the server before the main processing of the bytecode.

  • Unlike inner classes, lambdas don’t capture the enclosing class…. I just find out that I’m storing quite a few lambdas generated in forms, which must not retain the reference to the enclosing form.

    Do retrolambdas retain the reference to the enclosing class?

  • Shai Almog says:

    Retrolambda translates Java 8 lambdas to inner classes internally. Lambdas use `this` as a reference to their surrounding class so they have a reference to their parent just like non-static inner classes.

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