A few months ago, we added Android App Bundle support and forgot to tell anyone… These things happen sometimes in a fast moving startup… Well, better late than never.
To try the App Bundle support use the build hint: android.appBundle=true
This will produce the regular APK and the app bundle file which you should be able to upload to Google.
What is Android App Bundle?
For those who aren’t aware… Android App bundle is a new format designed by Google to replace the venerable APK.
It isn’t much different but is generally better suited for splitting so different versions can be sent to different devices more easily.
This makes sense for very fat applications, not so much for Codename One apps which are usually leaner than native Android apps.
In August, Android App Bundle will become the required format for submitting to Google Play. In a couple of weeks we will flip the default so the app bundle build hint will be true implicitly.
Since the aab format is not installable on an Android smartphone but can only be used to publish in the store, you will always continue to provide the apk format, right?
I won’t say “always” since things change but as long as AAB isn’t installable you will need an APK and we’ll provide it.
Trying to upload a new version of the AAB on Google Dev Console results in signing error. Cannot find a way to fix this, tried support also.
“Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your App Bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint:…”
Can’t seem to find any solutions on how to deal with this.
You need to pick the right keystore in Codename One Settings. How did you sign the app you first uploaded?