While multi-image’s go a long way in making your app scalable to various devices, scalable images can be even more convenient. The SVG standard never took off though, its too complex to support in an efficient way on the devices and so its relegated to web applications and even those don’t make heavy use of … Icon Fonts & Old VM Swan Song
Chen recently published a major refactoring of our connection framework which up until now only supported Facebook login. With this recent refactoring the code to connect to various authentication services becomes far simpler and various services should become more pluggable. The default implementation centers around the Login and LoginCallback classes that use oAuth by default … Sign In With…
Up until now when building with include sources for iOS we also included a btres directory which was necessary for the old VM but no longer necessary in the new VM. This increased the distribution size considerably and we are now removing it to speed up the builds and reduce server costs. When we were … Smaller iOS Source Builds, Timer & Index
Let’s face it, your app is probably a commodity. As noted by Wikipedia, “a commodity has full or partial fungibility; that is, the market treats its instances as equivalent or nearly so with no regard to who produced them.” In basic English it means that your product can be easily replaced in part or completely … Alternative App Stores
We’ve been spending a lot of times looking at performance for one of our enterprise customers. As part of the investigation he came up with an interesting and very important find… He found that hashMap.get(“String”) was much slower under the new VM than under the old VM. Its these sort of “simple” finds that help … Map, String Performance & JavaScript Native
The JavaScript port is nearing beta stage which will start next week its already added support for most API’s including SQL support and many other features. Once the JavaScript port is in beta it will become an enterprise only feature so if you haven’t tried it yet you have one week to try your app. … JavaScript Beta & InteractionDialog Popup
We are in the process of migrating the storage implementation from App Engine to Amazons S3 storage as part of our bigger migration away from App Engine. If you experience issues related to build results please let us know so we can iron out potential regressions. We are deploying this change in a way that … Migrations & New Plugin
Our website deployment has become even more complex thanks to the demos section. The crux of it is in updating the demos with every small update to the JavaScript build process which is why we implemented a build option based on the work we did for our CI (Jenkins) integration. This work essentially allows to … Automating Releases
As the JavaScript port has matured we started adding new demos specifically for the clock demo, charts & GeoViz. You can now see all of them live on the web and also try the Android or desktop versions of these demos to get a better grasp of what Codename One can do and how far … Updated Demo Section & Plugin Update
Google has just announced that it is deprecating cloud storage and effectively a major part of App Engine that we are relying on. To make matters worse the window of time to its removal is quite short so we don’t have enough time to rewrite and adapt all the various API’s and tools that rely … Migrating Away From Google App Engine
Our build servers are really fast, even if your laptop is relatively slow our iOS build servers are powerful machines equipped with fast SSD’s and they generate a full clean build of a typical app (with screenshots etc.) in a couple of minutes! So the real source of delay when building an app is size, … Shrinking Sizes & Optimizing
With the release of 3.0 we were overwhelmed with a lot of last minute features and improvements. It seems that we neglected to mention a lot of features that made it into the final 3.0 product. One of the nicest new features is a set of new flat themes with various colors in the designer … Flat Themes, DPI's & Static Initializers
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