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Device Bugs And Updates

We’ve been even more busy than usual with our first corporate deployment kicking off, this is currently a pretty rough process that requires a lot of hands on help from us but we hope to make it less painful for our customers. Either way, this being a completely new offering with a great deal of Device Bugs And Updates

Calendar & Small Changes

I’ve been working a bit with Kapila and Andreas on a Calendar project for Codename One to be used as a cn1lib (working is a strong word I’ve mostly just bossed them around and didn’t really do much, they did all the work). Its a pretty ambitious project since Calendar API’s are so fragmented and Calendar & Small Changes

Wheel & Drag

In the latest update to desktop builds we made the mouse wheel scroll the UI which is something that we’ve meant to do for ages but just didn’t get around to doing. This will also work in the simulator when the next update arrives. This was a big challenging to implement properly since the mouse Wheel & Drag

Desktop, Vision Mobile & Misc Changes

Vision mobile just released their new developer economics study, you can check it out here . We toggled the new pipeline mode for windows phone to be the default, its clearly the way to go forward in the long run since we just don’t have any other choice. All feedback on the new pipeline found Desktop, Vision Mobile & Misc Changes

A New Pipeline For Windows Phone

The Windows Phone port is one of our most painful ports, the platforms is so fragmented, volatile and rigid its remarkably hard to extract a common porting layer that will satisfy our requirements. We’ve just updated our servers with the 3rd port we did for Windows Phone, its experimental so its off by default, to A New Pipeline For Windows Phone

Push Notification Tutorial

We’ve just uploaded a new how do I tutorial for push notification . This tutorial covers the basics and is complementary to the post we published a while back covering push . Notice: This post was automatically converted using a script from an older blogging system. Some elements might not have come out as intended…. Push Notification Tutorial

A New Pipeline

One of our enterprise developers started complaining about the performance of our Android port, which forced us to take a closer look at our rendering pipeline on Android. It seems that Google’s hardware acceleration broke pretty much all the best practices of the Android 2.x era and what we had wasn’t taking full advantage of A New Pipeline

Switching Defaults

As you may know Apple will require that all applications submitted next month would be compiled with XCode 5 and target iOS 7 primarily. We supported this for quite some time however the default was still set to the legacy support first. Today we are deploying an update which will make xcode 5.0 the default Switching Defaults

5 Cool New Features in Codename One for NetBeans IDE

An article of mine with the above title just got published in dzone check it out and let us know what you think in the comments over there. Notice: This post was automatically converted using a script from an older blogging system. Some elements might not have come out as intended…. If that is the 5 Cool New Features in Codename One for NetBeans IDE

Native Interface

Native interfaces allow developers to invoke platform native methods/functions/libraries and even widgets directly from within Codename One without having to adapt your code to every platform. They are a very powerful tool when bridging between Codename One and OS specific features to access functionality that might not yet be exposed in the Codename One platform. Native Interface

Build Desktop Apps & XML Improvements

The next plugin update will finally include the support for building desktop applications with Codename One and to celebrate this we added a How Do I video on this subject . Notice that this is a pro only feature so if you don’t have a pro account this will fail on the build server. The Build Desktop Apps & XML Improvements

Sockets & MultiLine Trees

Steve recently added an implementation of a sockets library which is pretty cool and very timely since we are just about to release our own socket library and unlike his work which supports all Codename One targets we currently only support iOS & Android. At the moment we only support TCP sockets, we support server Sockets & MultiLine Trees