Android App Bundle Support
We have added Android App Bundle support which will become the required format for submitting apps to Google Play.
We have added Android App Bundle support which will become the required format for submitting apps to Google Play.
Apple updated their requirements for App Store submissions so new apps must be built with Xcode 12. As a result we’ve updated our build servers to the latest Xcode 12.4 release.
Learn how to build Codename One from source and use this “local” version in your Codename One projects.
One of the cool things about Maven is Maven Central – the repository that contains every version of every Java library (that has been published on Maven central at least). Once your library is published, it can be used by other projects by copying and pasting an XML snippet into their pom.xml file. In this article, I describe how to publish your Codename One libraries to Maven central so that app developers can use them in their projects.
As you may know, we are moving to Maven for our build tool. As part of this transition, we are moving towards a single Maven project structure, and away from separate structures for each IDE. This will be easier to maintain, and will also make it easier to collaborate on projects with other developers who use a different IDE (or no IDE at all).
As a follow-up to our recent announcement about transitioning to Maven, this post provides an overview of the new project structure.
Due to popular demand, we are officially providing local build support for iOS, Android and cross-platform JavaSE Desktop apps. No build server or Codename One account required.
Codename One is migrating to Maven. This will simplify some aspects of our build process and update/dependency management.
The following recipes relate to data processing and conversion in Codename One apps. This includes parsing data like JSON, HTML and XML.
Recipes to customize the look and feel of Codename One apps using Themes, CSS, Styles, etc.
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