Today, we are finally integrating the new Single-Sign-On to most of our tools. This means that you will need to create a new account using the login button in this site in order to use Codename One from now on. To make the migration easier, we tried to keep the existing login working as much … Important: New Sign-In Behavior
Welcome to our new website. We’re migrating to a Single Sign-On solution based on Keycloak and moving to a better payments processor.
This is the second is a series of blog posts hightlighting some of the components available in the CodeRAD cn1lib. The first post (or series of posts) introduced the RAD Chatroom component, a rich 2nd order UI component that encapsulates the user interface for a fully functional chat room. A second-order UI component is a complex … HELPBUTTON COMPONENT
A while back we added a new TestRunnerComponent that provides a visual UI for running unit tests inside an app. Sometimes, while I’m developing unit tests, I find it easier to write them inside a regular app project instead of in the “tests” directory. This allows me to debug the unit tests in the IDE more easily, … NEW TESTRUNNER COMPONENT
We’ve recently added some new display settings, and a new method, revalidateLater(), which can significantly increase your app’s rendering throughput in some cases. Before I get to the specifics of these changes, let’s review how UI rendering works in Codename One. The Codename One UI rendering can be broken down into two phases: Layout – Calculating the … SMARTER, FASTER RENDERING
Important update below. After a very long journey we will launch the new Codename One website on October 2nd. Since this will only deal with the website itself most things should still work as they did before. Thanks to the cloud dashboard the migration shouldn’t disrupt any users and should be 99% superficial. The launch … New Website Launch
We announced a while back that we’re working on a new website. This work was 90% complete but we decided to scrap it in favor of a complete rewrite of the site. That means some links might break and some functionality might be impacted but this is a crucial change for the continued growth of … Removing Old Dashboard
A couple of weeks ago I answered a question on Quora about the security of cross platform tools. I try to rise about my confirmation bias when discussing these things. I won’t discuss Codename One in this context or any other specific tool. Only general ideas. Security depends a lot on the tools involved and … Security Issues of Cross Platform Tools
Steve just updated our CEF support which should now work on all platforms. We updated the original post with additional information. We’ve also updated the build servers to use API level 29 on Android. The API level change should be seamless to most of you but might impact some edge case functionality and cause some … Moving to API Level 29 and CEF Update
With today’s update we’re releasing a design overhaul for the settings (preferences) application. This overhaul will improve the look and reliability/consistency of this app which is core to Codename One. During this transition period we also have the ability to go back to the legacy UI for 100% compatibility but it will be removed. Common … New Settings UI
Today we released one of the biggest changes to Codename Ones simulator in ages. We added the ability to use CEF (Chrome Embedding Framework). This is currently off by default but even if you don’t use it you might feel the impact so it’s crucial that you read this post. Updated July 31st with additional … Big Changes and CEF
Recently I got a question on stackoverflow about doing a diagonal badge that’s actually quite similar to the one on our website. This isn’t hard to do in Codename One but it requires a bit of tinkering so here’s how you would implement that. As a matter of fact the original code I provided in … Diagonal Badging
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