However, sometimes you might find the permissions that come up a bit confusing and might not understand why a specific permission came up. This maps Android permissions to the methods/classes in Codename One that would trigger them:
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE – this permission appears by default for Codename One applications, since the File API which is used extensively relies on it. You can explicitly disable it using the build argument android.blockExternalStoragePermission=true, notice that this is something we don’t test and it might fail for you on the device.
android.permission.INTERNET – this is a hardcoded permission in Codename One, the ability to connect to the network is coded into all Codename One applications. & android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO – are triggered by com.codename1.Capture
android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO – is triggered by MediaManager.createMediaRecorder() & Display.createMediaRecorder()
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE – is triggered by package, com.codename1.components.Ads, com.codename1.components.ShareButton,, com.codename1.push, Display.getUdid() & Display.getMsisdn(). This permission is required for media in order to suspend audio playback when you get a phone call.
android.hardware.location, android.hardware.location.gps, android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION & android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION – map to com.codename1.maps & com.codename1.location.
package.permission.C2D_MESSAGE,, android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED – are requested by the com.codename1.push package
android.permission.READ_CONTACTS – triggers by the package com.codename1.contacts & Display.getAllContacts().
android.permission.VIBRATE – is triggered by Display.vibrate() and Display.notifyStatusBar()
android.permission.SEND_SMS – is triggered by Display.sendSMS()
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK – is triggered by Display.lockScreen() & Display.setScreenSaverEnabled()
android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS – is triggered by Display.createContact(), Display.deleteContact(), ContactsManager.createContact() & ContactsManager.
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