The corporate server offering has always been controversial and problematic both within Codename One &
for the customers who bought that service. We struggled a lot with trying to get it just right but with every installation
we ran into a painful reminder of exactly why we chose to use the cloud. After discussing this with our existing
corporate customers we came to the conclusion that we need something better that would still address the
requirement of offline building.
We have something in the works based on the feedback from these customers and we intend to roll it out
at the 3.6 timeline (end of year, note that these are tentative plans…). If you are currently evaluating Codename One
and are interested in the ability to build offline then please use the contact us section
to discuss your interest with our sales dept.
We already discussed this extensively with all existing corporate customers, this post is strictly for people evaluating Codename One and the corporate server! |
Since the upcoming replacement isn’t finished we can’t really discuss tentative plans but we will discuss planned
features/requirements in some cases to make sure that our upcoming plans align with corporate requirements.
Currently the replacement for the corporate server is scheduled as a private beta on Q4 2016 so we are looking
for interested parties to try it out/provide feedback.
Discontinuing the Old Push Servers
We plan to retire the old push servers currently using the appspot URL. We reviewed the list of developers still
using it and from conversations with most of them 3 months should be enough time to completely phase
out the old servers.
Most developers have migrated to the new push servers which as of now are our only supported option. Even
most of those still using the old servers are mostly using them for legacy installs…
Please try to migrate away within the next 3 months. At that time we will evaluate the traffic to these servers
and decide whether to take these servers offline.