This has been a remarkably busy week for us trying to get the final bugs and features ready for the 3.5 code
freeze and the work we are doing on peer components etc. All the while the summer vacation is on it’s way
and it’s already pretty hard to get any work done.
This weeks release doesn’t contain any major changes, it’s mostly a bug fix release update.
This doesn’t seem to affect stack overflow which had a busy week as usual despite the heat:
Codenameone Bluetooth APIs not working on android
That’s why we recommend using the new extension install UI where it checks dependencies….
Adding device-specific files as a codenameone native lib
I like it when users give a better answer on stack overflow… Makes me proud!
EOFException when reading file from storage (cn1)
This is such a common mistake when working with DataInputStream
that it’s trivial for me to spot it by now.
Sqllite database location
We need a better SQL demo that will also demonstrate this, I started working on something but anything that
is non-trivial (thus interesting) takes a bit too long…
Displaying form on condition
I’m guessing everyone reading this post knows the answer to this one…
Android phone will not show map (only blank map)
Google Maps are always a pain to get going the first time around with the API key and SHA nonsense.
App can neither be installed on android nor IOS
Pretty much every mobile OS out there fails at some point in app installation and gives zero help as to why which
is very annoying.
Error using codenameone bluetooth support
Bluetooth is pretty new so there isn’t much in the form of documentation or anything to fallback to
Codenameone LocalNotification in android api < 16 and when the app is removed from recent
Some background behaviors that are device specific are pretty darn hard to replicate and figure out sometimes
Google Maps project in Codename One will not build
Changing package names in Codename One is sometimes painful even for us
Codename one set remove Accordion border
This is a pretty simple question with a pretty good answer
iOS code to generate video thumbnail returning 0 byte[]
Native interfaces are always hard to debug without a native environment…
Does TextField fireDoneEvent() to call stopEditing() in order to close the virtual keyyboard?
With issues like this a test case is essential…
How to disable Textfield from using the auto-suggestion on IOS
This is pretty easy albeit not necessarily intuitive for someone who is new to Codename One…
Storage behavior on Samsung Galaxy S4
On device behavior can be pretty weird sometimes and object serialization is often a pain…
Can I construct dynamically detail content in UI-Accordion-Component at Touch moment?
No. But since stackoverflow has a minimum answer length I had to elaborate on that…
Codename one Windows UWP Shop Build Fail
The process of uploading/building for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is a bit tedious, it’s not really our
fault as much as the guys from Redmond…
Codename one Windows UWP build in compliance test on windows store
This is as far as we know the first time a Codename One UWP app is going thru the store upload process, hopefully
these questions pave the way to a smoother overall process…
Getting an OOM when rendering Bitmap for videoPlayer
Peer components are a pain, it’s a good thing we are looking into a major ovehaul for them…
Gridlayout textfield search issue
Searching in GridLayout is somewhat problematic as hidden elements don’t quite disappear which is why we now
have a special mode that allows hiding those elements. This was something we added to support narrowing
the option set in the new Codename One settings UI
Video having problems on my phone
You can’t play a video twice when playing it from a stream, you need to restart it since the stream can’t be rewinded.