We will release the full Codename One 2.0 in a couple of days in the meantime here are the release notes covering the changes for this version.
Highlights Of This Release
Support for IntelliJ IDEA
Support for Google Play Ads on iOS/Android
Support for 3rd party libraries using the cn1lib format
Major improvements to the Windows Phone 8 port making it far more reliable
Fine tuned performance on iOS optimized garbage collector behavior
Extensive code migration to use Java 5 features and collections, generified some core interfaces
XML mode for Codename One Designer allows for better usage in source control scenarios
Improved text input and browser support in the simulator
Native Facebook login support on iOS/Android
Native share functionality on iOS
Support for iOS 7 appearance/functionality, including new device skins
New native picker API allows opening time/date picker of the native platform when applicable
Support for push notification on blackberry
Added export/import of CSV/Android XML string bundles (localization) to the designer tool
Added standardized API for pinch to zoom (simulated by a right click drag in the simulator)
Image background styles can now be scaled to fit and fill as well as the many other options
- Updated developer guide increasing its content by more than 30% to 200 pages
New Components & Functionality of note
Image viewer class allowing pinch to zoom and swiping between images
Auto complete text field component
Layered pane allows a more refined way of placing components on top of the entire UI
Infinite scroll adapter allowing a user to scroll a container and add
elements as he reaches the bottom
Many improvements to the SideMenuBar – swipe to open, title commands, side menu or top and to the right
Span button – button component that can span multiple lines
Span label – label component that can span multiple lines
Made location manager simpler to work with by adding a synchronous method to
fetch location
Added JSObject API contributed by Steve Hannah
Added an XMLWriter API
Added new demos: Poker game, Push
Added image rotation API’s designed for camera images that can rotate or flip an image by square angles, this is important for rotating an image that isn’t a perfect square (e.g. taken by camera)
Added support for the GridBagLayout from AWT
Added access point support to the Android port (contributed by Fabricio from Pumpop)
- Added gzip stream support and a GZipConnectionRequest
Changed friction values in scrolling algorithm
Improved text area input handling in iOS by making it use the Codename One styling and have next/done buttons
Made media event callbacks on Android happen on the EDT
Tabs are now more sensitive to swipe gestures
Improved the simulator to behave more like a device in terms of event delivery, filesystem mappings and more
Fixed issue 794 which prevented Codename One from running on some older J2ME devices due to usage of UnsupportedOperationException in the retroweaver code
Simulator can now simulate capturing audio/video
Fix for contact images in J2ME to work correctly
Rewrote event processing to be much faster and reduce GC thrushing
Removed some usage of Hashtable to speed up rendering
Fixed locationManager to call providerStateChanged once the gps status has changed
Fixed getCurrentLocation to return fast – get the current location if exists then fallback to network location.
Fix for issue 825 : iOS BrowserComponent doesn’t provide error codes on error
Implemented RFE 826: Network activity indicator while loading pages on iOS WebBrowser
Fix for issue 893 in the Codename One designer : Unselected style lost properties when delete Selected style
Fix for issue 944 : DateSpinners can’t be disabled
Fix for issue 949 : Dragging Component inside scrollable container doesn’t properly scroll the container in both directions
Fixed the WebBrowser component to no longer flicker in the simulator!
Fix for Issue 960 : Result.getAsInteger(path) throws number format exception
Improved simulator text input with fixes for Issue 957 : Simulator TextField misc bugs
Fixed audio on Android to pause the playing media when a call comes in
Fixed android native editing to fire the event only once the data has changed
Fix for a checkbox/mutli-button issue. When the multi button is in checked mode within a MultiList the emblem icon sometimes disappears
Fixed issue 955 : hamburger menu command not respecting enabled
Added ability to “inject” additional cookies into a connection request
Fix for storage file names to be normalized
Made the framerate lock faster to smooth up animation a bit
Fixed back command behavior in the side menu with the GUI builder which is triggered because the command is both added and set to the form
Fixed the XML parser for reading some files with BOM
Fix for an issue where opening the mail app caused the app to restart
Fixed Audio playback not to crash on exceptions thrown by the Android device
Fixed an SMS sending issue on blackberry devices and J2ME devices
Made minor refinements for iOS peer cleanup and push notification behavior in case of an error
Some improvements to memory utilization in iOS as part of fixes for issue 926 : iOS crash with sounds playing
Fix for issue 946 : Dropdown on Windows Phone is transparent
Fixed native commands on Android to refresh correctly when modified for cases where withText or other hints were used
Fixed issue 939 : Two Memory Leaks in iOS Obj C Code
Fixed the designer to hide properties that are overriden by custom component attributes
Fix for RFE 936: text shadow bottom right (i.e. drop shadow)
Fixed push registration to not fail completely in China
Fixed full screen ads which had a race condition that prevented ad skipping after clicking
Added support for array arguments to connection requests
Fixed fail silently to not broadcast fail events anymore
Added support for timeout in the location manager sync request
Fixed a potential Android exception that can happen during background playback of audio due to display not checking whether it is initialized
Added auto complete text field to the GUI builder
Fixed User-Agent behavior on iOS to return the correct user agent value
Fixed Android audio playback to return playing false when buffering and also not fail with exception on some cases.
Fixed iOS audio capture
Fixed an issue with Image capture on iOS
Fixed media playback hints for iOS
Fix for issue 937 : GenericSpinner does not allow you to provide new renderer via the setRenderer() method
Fixed Android web progress dialogs to dismiss after 10 sec max
Fixed Android’s back button on video to not minimize the app
Fix for Issue 917 : Keyboard hide sometimes crashes on Android 4.3 – changed the SurfaceView to TextureView for SDK version > 18
Implementation of RFE 928: Add “Contains” operator for Expression Language Contributed by Eric Coolman
Fix for killAndWait which seems to have violated the EDT since its inception
Fix for an issue with sidemenu bar with the keyboard open
Fixed a couple of sidemenu issues with screen resize and dragging the side menu from the open menu button.
Fixed the dragStop to check all parents if it’s in a middle of a scroll gesture
Fixed an issue with multibutton drag and drop
Fixed an issue with pointer released being invoked on a component when stopping a swipe scroll operation
Added an option to customize the cookie HTTP header to workaround a bug in PHP which isn’t treating the cookie header as case insensitive
Fixed issue with side swiping the side menu bar where pressing again while swiping back a menu that was previously swiped in triggered the seamless creation of a new menu that didn’t have the limits of the old menu thus allowed dragging the menu to cover the entire screen
Added action listener to slider to allow more coarse event dispatch
Fixed exception handling behavior in addToQueueAndWait
Fixed a bug in android where pressing back while dialog was showing minimized the app
Fixed TextField right alignment issue (mostly relevant for rtl langs)
Added rtl support to the android native editing
Fixed an issue with video capture on nexus 7 devices
Implemented RFE 919: TextArea – Localization by adding a span button
Improved Analytics API that integrates with the application analytics
Changed the detect network URL to google.com and made it configurable
Fix for dialog regression where the onShow event wasn’t fired for Dialog
Changed isTablet implementation to better detect tablets
Fixed bug in ImageIO.save() where the image was recycled too soon
Fixed Capture to save the scaled versions with a .jpg extension to allow the gallery to identify the file and show a preview in the gallery
Fixed issue 918 Sidemenu closes automatically when keyboard is open
Fixed LayeredLayout to consider the margins in the calc size
Implemented RFE 898: Textfield hint is not displayed while keyboard is open
Fixed issue 901 : Polling push support not calling registeredForPush
Fixed camera implementation based on issue 913
Updated capture to use the version of the ImageIO.save() method that accepts a file path to prevent out of memory errors
Added support for non-cyclic flicking of the ImageViewer curtesy of Fabrício Carvalho Cabeça of Pumpop
Fixed barcode reading crash on iOS 7
Fixes push with meta data that had a race condition with the initialization of Display.
Fixed remote control playback, so events from the screensaver on iOS will be delivered
Added Media information API’s and an OS version API
Fixed several crashes related to images and image scaling
Added new Media API’s allowing the developer to pass various hints to the playing media. Currently the first batch of hints allow developers to manipulate the “now playing” screen in iOS
Improved notify status bar to include hints including the ability for a non-dismissible notice, added the option to dismiss a notice manually
Provided an API to indicate whether notifications are supported
Added an option to hide the zoom map keys as a theme constant
Fix for commands, two identical commands with different client properties would resolve as equal and only one of them will get added
Added an OSVer constant to Display.getProperties() to return the OS version
Fixed issue 911 NPE occurs in TextArea constructor when input text is null
Fixed an issue with hints on List disappearing in the designer
Fixed an exception in the designer in EditableResources
Fixed push with type 3 to work as expected
Made logging on Android smarter, instead of using System.out we will now use Log.d with the application name.
Fixed an issue with purchase where the success callback wasn’t sent to the activity
Fixed Issue 890 : TitledMap shows over open SideMenuBar on ios
Added an ability to drag vertically when a horizontal scroll component is in the hierarchy
Fixed a potential edge case in RMS storage on J2ME devices
Fixed issue 900 (repeatedly) OutOfMemoryError in XMLParsing
Fixed issue 896 : XMLParser endTag callback is not called for self-closing tags
Fixed issue 892 : text field with URL/email constraint still starts with upper case
Fixed issue 895 : OnOffSwitch alternate text does not apply on first display
Fixed Android image loading to use Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 which should give better UI fidelity and possibly better performance
Fixed issue 889 : OnOffSwitch state restoring
Added support for RFE 880: scroll event callback mechanism
Fixed an issue where drag events when entering the side menu set the dragged variable and then when we got back from it the button wouldn’t function on first touch.
Added feature for a single softbutton on J2ME devices.
Made UIBuilder throw a nicer exception when failing to show a non-existing form
Fixed issue 884 in the designer : Derive All does not work
Fixed issue 883 in the designer : when you change the Pressed Icon and save, it doesn’t save the change
Implemented RFE 722: Create side menu on both sides of title
Fixed the native Blackberry popup field to be white on black
Implemented RFE 870: Ability to remove bounce in sidemenu
Implemented RFE 874: Add pressed state icon for sidemenu
Added drop shadow effect to the sidemenu
Fixed issue 868: Hardware volume button needs repeated presses
Fixed issue 867: Sidemenu closing transition problems
Fixed issue 871: Title of Form is not centered
Fixed issue 865 : XMLParser CDATA hiccup
Improved Twitter API to work with new OAuth API 1.1
Fixed vserv ads in a case of suspended apps
Enhanced google map provider to allow configurable sizes
Fix for side menu bar in a case of a back command + a Title Command where effectively the side menu isn’t showing
Enhanced the table UIID behaviors
Fixed array index out of bounds in the Base64 class for some edge cases
Fixed an IO stream leak in ImageIO
Added another option to the ImageIO that accepts file path
Fixed email sending on iOS to support multiple recipients
Fix for issue in in-app-purchase on iOS.
Added ability to clear the preferences API
Added ability to attach multiple message attachments
Fixed the processing package which had multiple localization encoding issues all over the place and added ability to pass readers rather than input streams
Fixed a potential race condition in the crash reporter
Added better current day handling to the calendar class
Implemented RFE 855: Simulate internet connection cases. Simulator can now simulate slow connection and disconnected internet
Fixed issue 827 : disposing a web browser doesn’t “clear” it
Improved the auto complete documentation and functionality to allow more dynamic data sets and asynchronous fetch
Fixed the processing package and read to String to work better with different encoding types
Made the scaled method for EncodedImage more intelligent, it now tries to generate an EncodedImage image when possible
Added ability to create an encoded image from ARGB data, this is possible by using the ImageIO API
Fixed a minor bug in the calendar class where it didn’t default to the selected day view
Made an improvement to combo box so it can be used with popup dialogs otherwise they were too close to the combo
Added support for media key events
Exposed the current selected functionality of list which is useful for some renderer use cases
Fixed border layout padding in absolute center mode required for iOS 7 title padding
Added performance optimization for fixed images in renderers
Fixed popup dialog borders which had some bugs with various size options
Fix for running in JavaSE port without a skin
Potential fix for multiple threads on the Network class in iOS
Fix for exception in in-app-purchase code on iOS
Fixed WebBrowser to remove the progress in HTMLComponent when there is an exception in the network request
Fixed ActionBar to stay visible if the Form has commands
Fixed issue 814 : SimpleDateFormat returns incorrect time on iPhone/MIDP/RIM
Fixed Issue 787 : iOS networking error with cookies containing expires header
Fix for issue 841 : local use class points to absolute path making team development harder
Added some helper methods in Rectangle to ease working with it
Fixed a null pointer exception in Log sending
Added ability not to act on long press in list
Fixed Dialog’s onShowCompleted() which wasn’t invoked
Fixed arrows in popup dialogs for some cases
Fixed exceptions in RSS reader
Added ability to block redirect after OAuth
Fixed issue 835 : SideMenu opens when command list is empty
Implemented RFE’s 837 & 838 to scroll down the performance log and add a way to clear it
Fixed several missing stream close() calls on Android & Resources.
Fixed race condition while editing text on Android
Fixed issue on Windows Phone with GUI builder applications which generally is the same issue we dealt with in iOS (xmlvm instanceof issue)
Fixed a race condition exception in Tree
Generified List, renderers etc.
Fixed a rarely occurring null pointer exception in Container
Fixed a spelling mistake in ConnectionRequest
Fixed and NPE and StackOverflow in the AndroidImplementation code
Updated zxing to be bundled on the server to resolve some J2ME/Blackberry issues
Added a new form of lock() that works asynchronously thus allowing us to load an image in the background while showing a dummy and still enjoy the convenience of lock()
Made lock() more robust and added the ability to check if an image lock is applied.
Added lock() detection functionality to the performance monitor
Disabled a block on EDT exception handling in the Android port which fixed error reporting for Android devices thru the cloud
Fix for issue 755 : Streaming MP3 not working in ios
Added ability to get the size of an element within storage
Added static getter instance to the L10NManager for convenience
Fixed font anti alias in derived ttf on the Android platform
Fixed the barcode scanner download app dialog to work properly
Fixed issue 819 : tel: links in webbrowser on android redirect to a protocol error page
Fixed J2ME email to respect more properties if the native platform supports them
Fixed the j2me VirtualKeyboard appearance
Added feature that allows J2ME developers to show the status bar
Implemented RFE 807: add title UIID to the designer
Improvement for resource handling allowing for better control over DPI/multi image loading. This is important for some gaming use cases
Fix for issue 802 : Geolocation API doesn’t work in Android Implementation of WebBrowser
Added getContactById with params which allows much faster retrieval of contact details
Simulator now sends the destroy app event
Made multiple improvements for iOS contact handling
Added ability for google maps provider to determine language
Fixed RTL transition direction regression
Made push registration synchronous and more predictable
Fixed the implementation of CachedDataService
Fixed issue 795 : Windows Phone MapComponent does not work
Added the option of invoking createTrueTypeFont(name, null);
Fixed issue 785 : MultiButton background problem
Fix for issue 776 : iOS Multibutton problem. The multi button didn’t behave like regular buttons when dragging a pressed button
Fix for issue 777 : TextArea setGrowByContent problem
Fixed uncover transition drawing
Added ability to get multiple headers with the same name in the connection request
We now throw an exception for an improper use of rename
Implemented RFE 769: Slow performance of opening the side menu on IOS due to usage of mutable image
Fix for issue 773 : merged error input stream into stream for errors on Java SE and Android
Added support to check whether on iOS a user has granted contact access permissions
Fix some push related issues on Android
Added an ability to differentiate the source of the back command on Android
Added an ability to hide the loading progress status for the web browser component
Fixed an issue where android sometimes sends double sizeChanged events
Fixed r and t handling in the JSONParser
Added support for the lastmodified property in the file system API
Disabled shared cookies by default for iOS because it might break analytics
Fix for drawString on iOS for cases where the string is longer than the maximum texture size (can happen for a case of a ticker)
Improved support for video RSS’s and fixed an exception when parsing a content type that has an additional type attribute (happens for RSS streams)
Implemented back button support for RTL allowing it to switch directions
Added support for mirroring images to the reverse direction
Added “uncover” transition that is the opposite of the cover transition allowing a form to “slide out” after it covered the screen.
Fixed newline parsing in JSON
Added support for maintaining aspect ratio in the image download service
Fixed a race condition in the contacts model that kept showing loading for some entries
Fixed an issue with http redirect header when an infinite progress is showing
Fixed an encoding bug with Facebook login
Fixed issue 760: Media.getDuration() returning 0 instead of -1 when instance reads mp3 metadata
Fixed issue 761: Audio implementation for Media interface doesn’t keep the time when paused
Fixed issue 759 : Media.isPlaying() crashed on Android if media buffered the first bytes
Border layout now disables scrolling when applied to a component to prevent a common mistake of placing a border layout on a scrollable container
Reduced EDT thread priority on Android to prevent issues on the Blackberry Z10
Fixed issue with facebook URL’s which include the pipe (|) character in them which breaks on iOS (Apple is right here, this is against the RFC)
Added major performance improvement to char width on iOS which really improves the performance of TextArea on iOS (critical for complex UI’s).
Improved the performance of DrawStringTextureCache on iOS by removing redundant tests and reordering the tests so the faster code happens first (hence if it fails the cost is really low).
Made XML/JSON parsers use StringBuilder to improve their performance noticeably, this removes synchronization code which is especially slow on iOS
Made multiple improvements to working with RSS’s in foreign languages and encodings
Removed synchronization from text area and made non-EDT code fail “gracefully”, this synchronization code is REALLY slow on iOS and since text area is used for multiline labels this was impacting performance
Changed text area to optimize it for scrolling speed, it would constantly revalidate for no reason
Implemented RFE 745: added more arguments to the postOnWall method of FaceBookAccess
Made improvements to facebook allowing the listing of wall posts, fetching images synchronously as well as their URL’s
Fixed a null pointer exception in facebook pages.
Fixed a potential race condition for the in place text editing on Android
Fixed a layout bug that caused elements to not appear in edge cases where scrollable Y returns false (tensile disabled) due to padding being too big.
Added ability to get a picture synchronously from facebook
Fixed potential null pointer exception in action listeners
Fixed major bug in StringUtil’s tokenization feature
Fixed issue 733: NetworkManager.getInstance().killAndWait(request) freezes Device and simulator
Fixed issue 740 : NullPointerException in openImageGallery on simulator
Added ability to fetch facebook images for ContainerList
Added ability to login for some facebook functionality without OAuth
Fixed issue 737: Cannot display browser in container
Enabled updating the UIManager externally for two look and feels in one UI
Added support for Android 4 and iOS 7 dialog buttons which use a thin line to separate plush components
Added a done listener to the TextField as a fix for issue 596 : TextField.addActionListener() should not be called on Back button
Fixed the contacts to return a sorted list
Fixed a couple of issues with the webview loading feature on Android
Fixed spinners and fixed Lists to move selection upon pointer press
Fixed simulator media time to milliseconds
Fixed issue 714 : iOS crash at startup
Implemented RFE 726: IOS – contacts createContact and deleteContact
Fixed exception in designer when saving with override resources in place
Added ability to define smaller fonts in designer tool when choosing millimeters
Fixed video capture on J2ME devices
Fixed a performance issue that is visible in spinners with large data such as the DateTime spinner
Fixed for issue 730 : Text fields with password constraint are capitalized by default
Added ability for table layout to grow its last column without requiring constraints
Fixed a bug in multi button when placing the icon where the emblem is supposed to be
Added ability to define the prototype for generic spinner
Added some more refined events for drag over events
Added ability to get the component closest to a given point which is really useful for drag and drop
Added ability to get drag notification events while dragging over an area
Fixes for table layout to span better
Fixed default side menu transparency
Fixed a NullPointerException in grid layout and UIBuilder
Made editing stop if a command was dispatched from the native menu on Android
Fixed issue 727 : Problem with LeadComponent when the lead component is a TextField
Added a Nokia Asha theme
Fixed action “withText” to show on the ActionBar if there is room on Android devices
Added ability to string util to tokenize by more than one character
Added ability to define multiple columns to a generic spinner
Fixed small exception in transitions
Box layout now supports a version of X axis layout that makes more sense for most purposes which doesn’t grow beyond its preferred size vertically
Fix for sliders that couldn’t be dragged all the way to the edge
Fix for text area preferred size when hints are defined
Minor improvement for dialog behavior
Added ability to read the content of an HTTP response that has an error code e.g. 500 or 400 etc. which could be useful for some cases
Fixed transition NPE in iOS for some cases.
Fixed iOS builds on Eclipse which caused some issues due to ADT being somewhat incompatible with javac
Added support for writing Codename One Maker plugins
Fix for a NullPointerException in a case of an empty Tree
Fixed the SideMenuBar to open on menu key and close on back key
Fixed getDatabasePath() to work correctly on all platforms and return the proper path for a databased that wasn’t created
Fixed multipart request which used the wrong content length
Fixed the cursor color on Android during native editing
Fixed potentially dropped push notifications on iOS
Made generic spinner more robust before it is actually shown if its value was set via the model
Fixed lead component functionality on 3 button mode which is a fix for Issue 721 : MultiButton problem with setThirdSoftButton(true)
Fixed a bug in drag and drop that prevented the second drag of the same component from working
Fixed scanning to call scanCancel when the action is canceled by user
Added a Page object to the facebook api and simpler getter methods to the FaceBookAccess
Fixed issue 715 text field max size doesn’t work
Fix for app version to return a value in iOS
Multiple fixes for test execution minor null pointer issue in a race condition
- Native utility class for Android allowing easier native code integration
Notice: This post was automatically converted using a script from an older blogging system. Some elements might not have come out as intended…. If that is the case please let us know via the comments section below.
Can’t wait, right on time!
this is literally the best xmas gift im getting this year 😀 awesome work guys love that list of fixes!
Thanks so much guys… You rock
This is awesome! I’m proud of you guys…
where is it?
Everywhere. If you use the plugin and keep it up to date you are always on the latest version.