We introduced the new RoundBorder API a couple of weeks ago and it’s already
picking some usage. But to really take off it needs to be within the themes, starting with the next plugin update
the border section of the designer tool will include the options for round border.
This is a bit confusing since we already support a rounded border type. The rounded border type is a rectangle
with rounded corners where the round border has completely round sides or appears as a circle.
To make matters worse the round border has a ridiculous number of features/configurations that would have made
the already cluttered UI darn near impossible to navigate. To simplify we split the UI into 3 tabs for standard borders,
image borders and round border. This new UI is still a bit flaky but the result is what counts and the ability to build
a theme with these types of borders is tremendous.
I hope that this addition to the designer will make the creation of great looking themes a bit easier.