I wanted to write about the new kitchen sink demo which I’m trying to finish…
But I haven’t finished it yet as it’s such a major undertaking. As part of that work I wanted to show some code that downloads themes and didn’t want to use the venerable infinite progress indicator which I generally dislike…
Over these past few months I’ve enjoyed the ToastBar
tremendously and I think it’s probably far better suited for such a use case than the infinite progress. The ToastBar
has rudimentary progress indication capabilities that are perfect for such a use case.
I added a relatively simple method to ToastBar
but I’m guessing we will add more elaborate versions of this code:
public static void showConnectionProgress(String message, final ConnectionRequest cr, SuccessCallback<NetworkEvent> onSuccess, FailureCallback<NetworkEvent> onError)
This method shows a progress indicator ToastBar
with a progress value for the connection request. On completion it will invoke the onSuccess/onError callbacks both of which may be null. E.g. for the case of theme download in the new KitchenSink demo I use the following code:
ConnectionRequest cr = new ConnectionRequest(BASE_URL + currentThemeFile);
ToastBar.showConnectionProgress("Downloading theme", cr, ee -> {
setTheme(parentForm, currentThemeFile);
theme.putClientProperty("downloading", null);
}, (sender, err, errorCode, errorMessage) -> {
ToastBar.showErrorMessage("There was an error downloading the file: " + err);