Use your favourite IDE with Codename One to maximize Productivity
The plugin provides all of the tools that you need to
build gorgeous native apps in NetBeans.
Use the “Codename One Application” project type in
the new project wizard. Select from existing app
templates to give you a jump start on your beautiful
native app. Or select a bare-bones starting point with a
simple “Hello World” message.
Press “Run” to launch your app in the Codename One simulator. Select from a comprehensive list of skins to see how your app will look on the actual device.
Press “Debug” to launch your app in the Codename One simulator, and debug it right inside NetBeans . Add break-points and make live code changes that apply immediately inside the simulator.
Press “Send iOS Appstore Build” to send your app to our cloud build servers, where they will compile it down to native code using the official platform tool-chains, and give you back an appstore-ready app. The “Codename One” menu includes build targets for all major mobile platforms, and even a few that aren’t mobile.
Browse through the add-ons directory to find a wide assortment of plugins developed by both Codename One and third-party developers. Some notable “cn1libs” include Google Maps support, Websocket Support, and Parse support.
Use the GUI builder to help you layout complex views in your app via drag and drop. Set the style and positioning of your components to be exactly the way you want them.
Use CSS to define styles such as borders, fonts, colors, padding, and margin. Make a change to your app’s stylesheet and watch as the app instantly updates in the simulator.
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