We just added a new offering to our
pricing page
, offline server. This option isn’t for everyone since it requires quite a lot of effort to setup and in fact includes less functionality than even the pro subscription.
The main reason for this offering is the old-school regulated industries where a cloud build solution just isn’t an option. In those cases you can still enjoy the benefits of our cloud architecture within the organization. However, you would need to setup at least 4 separate servers in order to get these benefits so the total cost in hours/hardware and licensing is pretty steep.
If you think this is the right solution for you please
contact us
, unlike other offerings corporate servers are sold by us in person with a more corporate friendly invoicing process.
Notice that the corporate server is priced very differently when compared to regular pricing, support is separately bundled and priced on a case by case basis since its much harder for us to properly evaluate support overhead. The pricing doesn’t limit developer count and includes updates for one year.
pricing page
, offline server. This option isn’t for everyone since it requires quite a lot of effort to setup and in fact includes less functionality than even the pro subscription.
The main reason for this offering is the old-school regulated industries where a cloud build solution just isn’t an option. In those cases you can still enjoy the benefits of our cloud architecture within the organization. However, you would need to setup at least 4 separate servers in order to get these benefits so the total cost in hours/hardware and licensing is pretty steep.
If you think this is the right solution for you please
contact us
, unlike other offerings corporate servers are sold by us in person with a more corporate friendly invoicing process.
Notice that the corporate server is priced very differently when compared to regular pricing, support is separately bundled and priced on a case by case basis since its much harder for us to properly evaluate support overhead. The pricing doesn’t limit developer count and includes updates for one year.
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