Class | Description |
BorderLayout |
A border layout lays out a container, arranging and resizing its
components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
BoxLayout |
Layout manager that places elements in a row (
X_AXIS ) or column (Y_AXIS )
according to box orientation. |
CoordinateLayout | Deprecated
the usage of this layout is strongly discouraged as elements will not adapt to the right position/size
FlowLayout |
FlowLayout is the default layout manager for Codename One Containers and Forms.
GridBagConstraints |
Port of the GridBag code from Apache's Harmony
GridBagLayout |
Codename One port of the infamous GridBagLayout based on the Apache Harmony code.
GridLayout |
The components are arranged in a grid based on available space, all cells in the grid are given exactly
the same size which matches the largest preferred size or available space.
GroupLayout |
GroupLayout is a LayoutManager that hierarchically groups components to
achieve common, and not so common, layouts.
Insets |
Port of Insets from Harmony for the use of the GridBag code
LayeredLayout |
LayeredLayout places the components in order one on top of the
other and sizes them all to the size of the largest component. |
Layout |
Abstract class that can be used to arrange components in a container using
a predefined algorithm.
LayoutStyle |
LayoutStyle is used to determine how much space to place between components
during layout.
TextModeLayout |
This is a special case layout specifically designed for
InputComponent . |